SmartVizor Barcode Label Printing

SmartVizor Barcode Label Printing


SmartVizor - Batch Print You Barcode Label with Variable Data From Data File

SmartVizor is an advanced variable data, easy to use, WYSIWYG barcode label printing software that prints variable data barcodes, text and graphics on thermal transfer bar-code printer labels in addition to labels on standard laser or inkjet printers.

You can use almost any database format with SmartVizor — Dbase (.dbf), Microsoft FoxPro (.dbf), Paradox (.db), Microsoft Excel (.xls), delimited ASCII (.csv, .txt). SmartVizor also provides ODBC support, so you can connect directly to your database and use SQL statements if you want to.

SmartVizor supports all popular linear barcode types including Code 39, Code 128, Postnet, UPC, EAN, UPC/EAN, Interleaved 2 of 5, Code 128, Codabar, MSI Plessy, POSTNET and more than 20 kinds of barcode. When you purchase SmartVizor, you get bar-code fonts for all of these bar codes.

When you use SmartVizor for your variable-data-printing projects, virtually any word-processing application or page-layout application can be used to create your boilerplate documents (master documents). That's because SmartVizor is designed so that you can use a OLE Object file as your boilerplate document. So, you can use Adobe InDesign or Adobe PageMaker or Adobe Illustrator or Microsoft Word or virtually any application to create a boilerplate document. You're ready to use it in SmartVizor!


SmartVizor is a stand-alone,powerful and extremely easy to use barcode label printing application. SmartVizor Suite is a software solution for creating personalized communications and professional one to one documents. It is one of the least expensive full-featured barcode label printing solutions available today. With SmartVizor Solution, merge any design with any database and print on any printer.


30 days free to try.


SmartVizor Barcode Label Printingの対応動作環境
ソフト名:SmartVizor Barcode Label Printing
動作OS:Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP/Me/2000/NT
機種:IBM-PC PC-98 x64
種類:シェアウェア :USD395.00
作者: Hunk Zhang 









Label  SmartVizor  Printing  Barcode 


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