Corpus Wizard for Win32英語版 1.06F

cwne106f.exe ( Filesize:  713,534 )





Corpus Wizard is yet another concordancer.

This shareware programs can;
(1) produce concordance in "Keyword in Context" or "Keyword Out of Context" formats.
(2) handle a group of words as one keyword.
(3) sort KWIC concordance in alphabetical order. You can choose the reference position from these 11 candidates; the position of the keyword, and each 5 words right and left to the keyword.
(4) count the number of collocates appearing in positions which are the same
positions used as the reference position in sort function. Count can be done after getting the KWIC concordance.
(5) convert KWIC concordance into TSV(Tab separated value) or CSV(comma separated value) formats.
(6) save the results to a text file or output to a printer.

If you want to use REGULAR EXPRESSION, please goto Mr.YAMADA Kazuo's Home Page and get JRE32.DLL. His home page is here.

Registration fee of Corpus Wizard for Win32 includes Text Processing Utilities.
No additional payment is required.


 すでにKKC for Win16に登録していただいていて、KKC for Win32版に乗り換えられる場合は、Win32版の登録料(\3,000以上)と既に送金済みのWin16版/KKCWTOOL.DLLの登録料(\1,000以上)との差額をお支払いいただければ結構です(^_^;)。送金方法は郵便振替・銀行振込をご利用ください。電子メールで送金代行番号に代わる登録キーを発行します。

 ・個人 ¥3,000以上/人
 ・共同研究室 ¥5,000以上/室
 ・教室(教育目的) ¥5,000以上/キャンパス


Corpus Wizard for Win32英語版の対応動作環境
ソフト名:Corpus Wizard for Win32英語版
動作OS:Windows NT/95
種類:シェアウェア :3,000円以上
作者: 浜口 崇