CW PLAYER for Windows English version 1.03E

cwpwin_e.lzh ( Filesize:  147,702 )





Thank you fo using this software. Here is a short explanation.

about Functions:

LOAD... Load the sentences for receiving practice. Text files formatted like "CWTEXT.DAT" that you can get when you registerd available.
DISPLAY... Show some part of the sentences you loaded.
PRINT OUT... Get hard copy of all the sentences.
QUIT... End this software.

1:RECEIVE SENTENCE... You can hear the normal sentence and write it down on paper.
2:RECEIVE RANDOM WORDS... You can hear random-letter-words.
3:LEARN LETTERS... It shows a letter and its code.
4:LEARN by typing... You can hear a code of the letter you hit.
5:ANSWER by typing... Hearing a code and answer by hitting the key.
6:CRAM LESSON... You can hearthe codes you eagerly want to learn.
7:TOTAL LESSON... You can learn step by step.
0:SPEED TEST...Show you how fast it runs by sending "PARIS."
OPTION: FONTS... Change fonts.
CHANGE SENTENCES... Change the defalt sentences to new ones loaded.

AUTO... Having no pause and clear the sentence to continue the lesson.
MANUAL... There comes a pause after one sentence released.

JAPANESE ... Japanese font sets are requied.

*LETTERS: You can choose alphabet, numbers or punctuations on RANDON mode.

*RATIO: Make the size of LETTERS on RANDOM mode.

*SPACE: Put a space per how many letters.

HELP... Show this document. Sorry not help you.
REGISTRATION... You make it and you can use all functions.

*PAUSE: You can use this on "2:LEARN LETTERS","6:CRAM LESSON","7:TOTAL LESSON"

*SPEED... Change the speed code comes. Write numbers on this box and click the
button for enter.

*TONE... Change tone. Click the TONE button for getting default tone.

*START... Start each lesson.

*REPEAT... You can use this after you did some lesson.



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Send me 1500yen or $15


CW PLAYER for Windows English versionの対応動作環境
ソフト名:CW PLAYER for Windows English version
動作OS:Windows 3.1
種類:シェアウェア :1,500円/$15(US)
作者: JE8UZG