LaTeX2e 96/12版

base9612.tgz ( Filesize:  813,868 )







Welcome to \LaTeXe, the new standard version of the \LaTeX{} Document
Preparation System.

This document describes how to take advantage of the new features of
\LaTeX, and how to process your old \LaTeX{} documents with
\LaTeXe. However, this document is only a brief introduction to the
new facilities and is intended for authors who are already familiar
with the old version of \LaTeX{}. It is \emph{neither} a user-guide
\emph{nor} a reference manual for \LaTeXe.

\subsection{\LaTeXe---The new \LaTeX~release}

The previous version of \LaTeX{} was known as \LaTeX~2.09. Over the
years many extensions have been developed for \LaTeX. This is, of
course, a sure sign of its continuing popularity but it has had one
unfortunate result: incompatible \LaTeX{} formats came into use at
different sites. This included `standard \LaTeX~2.09', \LaTeX{} built
with the \emph{New Font Selection Scheme}~(\NFSS), \SLiTeX, \AmSLaTeX,
and so on. Thus, to process documents from various places, a site
maintainer was forced to keep multiple versions of the \LaTeX{}
program. In addition, when looking at a source file it was not always
clear for which format the document was written.

To put an end to this unsatisfactory situation, \LaTeXe{} has been
produced; it brings all such extensions back under a single format and
thus prevents the proliferation of mutually incompatible dialects of
\LaTeX~2.09. With \LaTeXe{} the `new font selection scheme' is
standard and, for example, \textsf{amstex} (formerly the \AmSLaTeX{}
format) or \textsf{slides} (formerly the \SLiTeX{} format) are simply
extension packages, all working with the same base format.

The introduction of a new release also made it possible to add a small
number of often-requested features and to make the task of writing
packages and classes simpler.


作者: LaTeX3 project  David Carlisle  Leslie Lamport  Johannes Braams  Rainer Schoepf  Frank Mittelbach  Alan Jeffrey  Chris Rowley